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Shaler Area School Board approves the 2019-20 budget with no millage increase
Shaler Area School Board of Directors approved the 2019-20 school year final budget during its June 19 voting meeting. The $88,568,892 proposed budget continues the district’s commitment to supporting quality educational initiatives and improving the safety and security of the district’s facilities with no millage increase.

The 2019-20 budget includes revenues of $84,714,119. Shaler Area will close the budgetary gap using $3.8 million of its fund balance and continual analysis of the budget throughout the year for cost-savings measures. The 2019-20 millage rate will remain at 23.5319 mills.

The 2019-20 budget includes an overall increase of approximately 4 percent over the 2018-19 budget. 

The proposed final budget continues Shaler Area’s commitment to quality educational programing through supporting the following projects: 
  • Continuation of the Project ACE 1:1 iPad initiative;
  • Purchasing a new reading series in Kindergarten through sixth-grade;
  • Increasing staffing to address higher student populations at the elementary level and in special education;
  • Increasing professional development to support the change to a middle school model of programming and scheduling at Shaler Area Middle School.

The proposed final budget also continues Shaler Area’s commitment to the safety, security and maintenance of its facilities and designates funds for the following projects:
  • Adding an additional School Resource Officer;
  • Adding security cameras at district buildings;
  • Improving the locks and doors in all buildings;
  • Replacing the Shaler Area Elementary Roof;
  • Replacing the cooling tower at the Shaler Area High School;
  • Replacing the artificial turf at Biles Field;
  • Repaving Paul Schweiger Way and parking lots at the High School;
  • Initiating a districtwide energy conservation program.

While the budget features several line item decreases such as supplies, books and equipment, the budget does include increases to salaries and benefits—the largest portion of the district’s budget at 72 percent. Total salaries and benefits increased 5 percent and 4 percent respectively for a total of $2.8 million, of this increase, $1.1 million accounts for the state mandated retirement system increase. 

Since the 2016-17 school year, the district instituted an aggressive attrition model to reduce salaries and benefits. When appropriate, the district will continue to use this model to minimize the overall increase in salaries and benefits in the 2019-20 budget and into the future. Fiscal responsibility and operational efficiency remain at the forefront of the district’s priorities, and administration continues to look for creative ways to utilize staff, generate resources, and reduce spending while maintaining the integrity of the academic programs. 

The budget is available for public inspection on the Business Office webpage (on the right-hand side of the page) or in person at the Administrative Offices, at 1800 Mt. Royal Blvd., during business hours.