
The COMPASS Studio

Creating Opportunities to Make Purposeful And Strategic Solutions

The Goal of the COMPASS Studio

The goal of the COMPASS Studio is to provide a makerspace for students to collaborate, create, and explore new ideas using a variety of materials. Students will learn to persevere through the design process and employ problem-solving skills to explore new and innovative ideas or complete projects that extend their classroom learning.

"Pointers" for using the COMPASS Studio

Pointers for using the studio
Relax and enjoy creativity, work with a purpose, have a goal in mind, collaborate and share materials and ideas, make a plan and watch your time, take only what you need, be respectful and responsible, clean up after each session 
Seeds of Change Challenge
Dr. Gerlach's 5th grade science class created a hydroponics system to enter into the Seeds of Change Challenge sponsored by Chatham University's Eden Hall Campus


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Supply Wish List

Our makerspace is always looking for supplies that we can use to create and build projects.
If you have anything on the list that you would like to donate we would greatly appreciate it! 
We will update our wish list as our needs change.
Just send the materials to the library with your student!
Thank you!

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1800 Mt. Royal Boulevard     Glenshaw, PA. 15116     P 412-492-1200     F 412-492-1236
1800 Mt. Royal Boulevard Glenshaw, PA. 15116 P 412-492-1200 F 412-492-1236
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